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mystery shoppingMystery Shopping is a well known marketing and customer service tool that is widely recognised for the value that it offers. This instrument can be used by market investigation companies or internally by companies themselves.

The main purpose of Mystery Shopping is to gauge quality of services or to acquire specific information about the products and services offered by a company. A mystery shopper that acts as a standard customer can perform different tasks initiate questions, register complaints, purchase a product or provide reports with specific details or feedback about their experiences.

The advantages of using this tool may vary for each company, depending on the size and the needs or aspects to be evaluated in the campaign. In general, the main benefits that Mystery Shopping provides are:

1. - Measure customer service and customer satisfaction

Mystery shoppingMystery shoppers are known specifically for the ability to evaluate customer service and customer satisfaction. With this tool you can find out more about the performance of your staff, how they interact with customers and if there is any behaviour that may eventually lead to low satisfaction scores.


2.- Monitoring your competition

Mystery shoppingMystery shopping is also a valuable instrument to keep an eye on your competitors, in order to gain information on their sales process, operations and/or pricing strategies. Acquiring specific details on your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses will provide your business with a clear competitive advantage. These insights can help you to differentiate your product(s) or service(s)) to increase sales.


3.- Evaluation Tool

Mystery shoppingWith Mystery Shopping, the overall performance of a store/ products or services within a store can be measured and competitive strengths and weaknesses will be reported. In addition, it provides objective and clear information on staff performance, often within 48 hours. Mystery shopping is a great instrument to provide insights on company procedures, internal controls and employee’s integrity.


4.- Training Tool

Mystery shoppingMystery Shopping is one of the best ways to determine the customer service your employees are giving and identify opportunity areas in their approach to customers. Nowadays, companies are using video and audio mystery shopping as a training tool to boost the quality of service and sales delivery to customers.


Mystery Shopping is a powerful resource that allows companies to gain insights related to the performance of a store or specific products / services and the strengths and weaknesses versus that of their competitors. But the information is only a good return on investment if you ask the right question and take action based on the outcome, so ensure you have a clear vision of what information you need to gather and set some smart objectives around how you will take action once the information is obtained.

We  at CPM provide a specialist suite of mystery shopping services to suit all business needs and contact mediums - whether your business is mainly executed over the phone, in a face-to-face environment, or whether the web is now your main point of contact with your customers and perspective buyers.

For you, this translates into an individually tailored mystery shopping programme, featuring the essential tools to manage your business and its customer handling teams, ensuring every customer experience is a great one!

Our specialist Mystery Shopping team can design and develop a programme for you through its suite of Telephone Mystery Shopping, Physical Mystery Shopping, Video Mystery Shopping or Email and Web Mystery Shopping services - to ensure that any programme put in place adds value to your business, drives customer satisfaction and sales revenue ensuring maximum return on your investment.

Click here to speak to us about our Mystery Shopping services


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